Hasselblad 500 C/M

This is my favorite camera.

No meter.
No batteries.
No electronics of any kind.
A completely mechanical and modular system.

A medium format camera that uses 120 film, interchangeable lenses, film backs, focusing screens, and viewfinders. There are other medium format cameras that are similar in style but the Hasselblad stands on it's solid and reliable reputation. And the others can’t compare the sound of a Hasselblad capturing an image. I know of no other cameras that are known for the deep sounding ‘THWAP” when the shutter button is pressed. This camera coupled with the Carl Zeiss razor sharp lenses will NOT disappoint you.

Here’s a good article on this camera series.

Below are some images I’ve captured over the years with my Hasselblad.


Canon EOS-1V HS