Marcus Edwards Marcus Edwards

Student Photos are ready to order! | April 21-22

Thank you all for your patience while we processed all the orders.  We had a great turnout and we thank each and everyone of you for coming out.  Here is the rundown on orders:

How to find your pictures

Whether you ordered prints to be delivered to the school, chose to place an order online, or still need to place an order, your order is attached to a number.  Below are all the order numbers in alphabetic order by last name:

Abrahamson, Anika  59

Abrahamson, Shane  58

Allstott, Owen  42

Arteaga, Guadalupe  47

Bailey, Katie  72

Baker, Alison  52

Balintucas, Vincent  38

Baze, John  80

Botello, Laurie  29

Bowes, Wyatt  69

Bravo, Jon & Jodie  84

Brooks, Cooper  71

Burton, Destiny  27

Carroll, Sean  35

Carsrud, Blake  61

Connor, Jayce  21

Coupounas, George  63

Davenport, Liz  1

Deakins, Dave  16

did't fill out form  77

Dilka, Tyler  32

Dimatteos, Drea  66

Dove, Amber  2

Dunford, Colby  50

Fischer, Crystal  74

Fowler, Ryan  22

Gabriel, Mary  79

Gallagher, Drew  51

Geer, Jessica  39

Gerhardt, Lilli  33

Giambra, Aimee  19

Gittlein, Keith  18

Hagedorn, Seth  45

Hall, Julie  54

Hayes, Allie  17

Hayes, Jen  15

Hensen, Andrew  41

Herndon, Kristina  75

Hoover, Kaitlyn  10

Hoover, Nathan  9

Huff, Colleen  36

Hynds, Jodi  25

Inglis, Evan  49

Jeffreys, Erin  70

Johns, Stacie  55

Jones, Lamont  30

Jones, Mitzi  31

Kenna, Jeff  14

Kirkpatrick, Caroline  78

Klausner, Selene  64

Knuth, Lex  23

Kotson, Aspen   28

Kramer, Aimee  73

Lineberger, Kristin  65

Litton, Leo  62


Miller, Patricia  68

Miller, Sarah  53

Morrison, Carmen  11

Mudgette, Kassandra  26

Myers, Marjorie  5

Petley, Jordan  44

Roberson, Kal  67

Schnur, Ari matthews & Jen  46

Schopfer, Lisa  57

Scott, Barb  7

Shute, Kane  4

Skoglund, Wyatt  56

Stetz, Denise  40

Stolte, Naomi  24

Stovall, Will  8

Strong, Shyla  12

Tabert, Julius  13

Tavares, Armani  37

Tretton, Chrissy  83

Tricdi, Amanada  43

VanDyke, Caleb  81

Vaughan, Miller  34

Venkatesnaran, Shilpa  76

Wade Family  3

Ward, Stephanie  6

Wawrzynczak, Evelyn  60

Williams, Adam & Audrey  82

Zwisler, Nate  20

If you ordered prints (Packages A-C)

Your orders are ready for pickup at your school (Fort Collins or Longmont).  If you ordered a digital download (Package B), an image will be emailed directly to the email address you provided on your order form.  Your pictures are posted on our online store as well and you are more than welcome to order more images if you desire to.

If you placed an online order (Package D)

You will have a $15.00 credit code that will be emailed directly to the email address you provided on your order form.

If you did not order or placed an order but did not pay

Your pictures are posted on our online store and are ready to ordered.


(Click image to see full screen)

**All digital images for Package B and credit codes for Package D have been emailed out.  If you didn't receive, please contact us to make sure we have the correct email address for you.

Let us know if you have any questions or needs by emailing us at  Thank you again for letting us photograph you!

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Marcus Edwards Marcus Edwards

Student Photo Faces | April 21-22

We had such a great time taking student photos this year.  Everyone looked great and did great!

When you first got there, we gave you a white board with a number written on it so we could track your orders easily this time around.  Marcus told you to make your best silly face.  Some of you gave us some really good silly faces and some of you just looked at us like we are crazy [which we are].  Either way, personalities were shining.  Thanks for playing along.  

We just wanted to let you know we are processing all the orders and they should be done within the next couple of weeks.  As a thank you, feel free to right click and save your picture from this post if you'd like... After all, you gotta show the world karate is fun, right?

Which one is your favorite?

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Marcus Edwards Marcus Edwards

2017 Student Picture Day Info | April 21-22, 2017

Hello students and parents!

We are looking forward to photographing the 2017 Ripple Effect Martial Arts student photos.  We are really excited that this years pictures will take place at the Black Belt Immersion weekend!

Here are a few tips to make sure your photos are the best:

  • Get a good night sleep the night before
  • Ensure your uniform is cleaned and pressed ahead of time
  • If wearing a shirt under your uniform, go with black or white
  • Ensure all strings are tucked into gi top and pants
  • Have your belt tied correctly
  • Grooming: Make sure hair is pulled away from face, faces are clean, nails are cleaned up, skin is free from markings, no rubber bands on wrists
  • Practice a few poses in the mirror ahead of time.  We will move quickly so it's best to be prepared
  • If you want to use a weapon in your pictures, know which one and how you will pose with it


Below are the forms with the information you will need.  Click on the image to download and print.

We hope to see you there!  Feel free to comment or contact us with any questions.

Thank you, 

Marcus & Janie

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